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Bible Discovery Hour

The church school shall train, nurture, prepare, and recruit adults, young adults, youth and children in God’s Word for Christian service, emphasizing those Christian principles, which are essential for effective Christian growth and participation. This teaching and training shall be designed to prepare them for and assist them with effective living and Christian leadership in a changing society.


Board of Stewards

This ministry provides spiritual leadership as well as manages and oversees the fiscal program of the church. Membership requirements apply.


Board of Trustees

This ministry assists in the mission of the church by caring for the buildings, tangible property, and grounds of the church and all church-owned properties. Membership requirements apply. 



Christian Education Ministry This ministry educates all ages about the teachings and principles of Jesus Christ, the Bible, and other religious and social issues; provide congregants with opportunities for spiritual growth and faith development.


Congregational Care Ministry

This ministry consists of leaders who assist the pastor in reaching and touching the lives of each member of the church. It is the responsibility of the congregational care leader to call and visit members frequently and be gifted in discerning their physical, spiritual...needs.


Deaconess Board

The Deaconess ministry consists of single, widowed, or unmarried women of good character who encourages, fosters, and improves the general interests of the church by cheering the fallen, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, seeking out the homeless, saving the lost and have no desire to remarry.


Greeters’ Ministry

The greeters’ ministry seeks to build relationships with visitors by providing a welcoming environment and pertinent information as it relates to the worship experience as well as the church.


Healing and Deliverance Ministry

Offer prayers for the healing and deliverance of strongholds, sicknesses and situations that prevent the faithful from realizing their true potential in Jesus Christ. Participants are encouraged to express belief that through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we all are healed. Know Your Church Know Your Church offers insight into the history, polity, and praxis of the AME Church. It allows members to continue to bask in the rich glory of the founders of our denomination and those who have shaped our tenets and suffered for its success. Held twice per month, we celebrate the rich founding of our Zion and the blessings that await our future!


Lay Organization

This ministry is comprised of all church members who are not considered clergy. The purpose of this ministry is to instill within the membership a love and appreciation for the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism; encouraging the support of the church, fostering systematic and regular study which will provide greater knowledge and participation in the church.


Mary Leaver Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)

This ministry brings together women of all ages with the express purpose of serving the church, community, and Christ through missionary activities.


Young People Department (YPD)

The YPD is a division of the WMS which seeks to bring individuals together from the ages of 2 to 26 in order to perform community service projects, learn about leadership, as well as have fun in appropriate social settings.


MCAM (Music & Christian Arts Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel through hymns, spirituals, sacred music, gospel music, praise, worship music, drama and dance while strengthening and enriching the spiritual life of the church members and bringing non-believers into His kingdom.


Media Ministry

The media ministry is responsible for the technological components of the worship experience as well as keeping members informed through email and our phone system. The media ministry also keeps our website updated and manages our social media accounts.


M.J. O’Neil Usher Ministry

The ushers serve as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord. Ushers assist in the worship experience by directing congregants to their seats are responsible for receiving offerings.


Noon Day Prayer Lifeline

Offer a brief word of scripture, prayer and spread Christian love at noon on every day except Sunday and Tuesday. It fosters fellowship among the participants. In addition, information concerning church and community concerns are addressed.


RAYAC is a group for young adults between the ages of 26-39. The goal of the RAYAC is to retain young adults to the Lord, the church, and to lead young adults to use their gifts and talents in the service of the Lord.


Richard-Allen-1.jpg Richard Allen Ministry

To aid the church and community of Daytona Beach. Shaped by the example of Richard Allen, it supports everything from convalescing and grieving members and supporting the pastor and ministerial team, to aiding ministries of the church. This ministry offers a safety net for the ministries of Mt. Zion


Sons of Allen

The Sons of Allen of the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall be: a. to lead men to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. b. to organize men into units and empower them to meet men's needs in such areas as Evangelism and Stewardship. c. to teach the men of our denomination the history, doctrine and polity of our denomination with focus on the life, mission and ministry of our ancestral father, Richard Allen. d. to teach the men to witness their faith in daily living, such as in the workplace, the community, and the home to encourage men to engage in outreach and service as a part of Christian servanthood. f. to seek resources and support of men as husbands and fathers. g. to empower men to serve as role models to young men and to develop youth ministries such as scouting ministries, in local units. h. to encourage men to share in ecumenical relations.


Stewardess Ministry

The stewardess ministry assists the pastor and the stewards in the discharge of their duties relative to the rituals of Baptism and Holy Communion. Operates under the Board of Stewards.

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